Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome to America

This is my newest blog project. It is still young and I will be adding a lot to it but my goal is to share with you some of the things I learn about as I study the issues, our politicians, our country's history, the history of the world and just the things that make us who we are. The purpose of this is to hopefully let you see the journey I take as I learn more and help you and/or allow you to help me.

I plan on intentionally playing the devil's advocate, if you will, to some of my own beleifs and arguements in order to spark discussion. I will, however, very strictly monitor the comments made by those contributing. I do not want the discussions here to degrade to fingerpointing, insulting or degrading discussions so please keep your comments on the level.

Please feel free to email me ideas you have or things you have found that I might be intersted in placing on my blog or at least discussing. I want this to be an open forum.

The last thing I want to say is that I firmly beleive that politicians are like farm products. The all start out as ungerminated seeds and need external input to start the growing process. This means that Barack Obama and John McCain started as seeds somewhere. If you like one and hate the other you need to look at the soil in which they grew. Because of this I will be looking very closely at the politics of my local area in Utah.

I live in Springville Utah though I grew up, for the most part, in Spanish Fork. I like the area and always have but as with all areas in the US it has its flaws. I know that this area could be one of the strongest in the country. I know the economy possesses immense potential, so what holds it back? That is what I want to explore. I truly believe that meaningful change can only be effected when all studying and learning has been done by the public, it has been debated and discussed by the public and the public voices their educated beleif of what they need. I want to help contribute to that in Utah, in the US and in the world.

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